the ART of Recovery

Creating artful reminders to get us through those questionable moments. Reminding us of how much better life is when we trust God, clean house and Work with others.

The Maxi's

Art that is larger than 7in x 5 in 

Recovery Art

Something out of the ordinary. When you want something unique for yourself or to give to others. This art is based in recovery. Some of the art has pages taken directly from the Big Book incorporated in it. Some is just from the "language spoken here".


    For the days when you need a reminder to pause. The Serenity Prayer is one of the first lines of defense as we learn to live one day at a time. ./products/serenity-prayer


    One day at a time sometimes can feel like an eternity. When that happens we need to take it one hour, one minute, one moment at a time. This too shall Pass ./products/one


    Don't give up 5 minutes before the miracle happens. A reminder that it may not be happening in our time. Don't quit before the miracle happens. ./products/dont-quit

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Greeting cards for recovery 

  • Feelings are not facts

    This little reminder has a powerful message.

    Feelings are not facts reminds us to check the reality of our reaction to things.

  • It Works

    Hang this anywhere you will see it on a regular basis . The three pillars of HOW it works. Honesty, Open-midedness and Willingness

  • Let Go Let God

    The key to surrender is knowing that you are not in charge. Trust that what is unfolding in God's world is happening in perfect order.

  • Thankful

    I am thankful I no longer have to live the way I did. That I have a new and better way to live.

  • About Me

    I came through the doors in 1990. Little did I realize that those doors would lead me to a life beyond my wildest dreams. I would become a respectable member of the human race; that I would be able to go anywhere, at anytime and be comfortable. The greatest gifts I have experienced have been from my learning experiences and my greatest lessons have been learned from my teachers that were found in the rooms. God has truly taken care of me.

  • About the Art

    The art offered here is one of a kind pieces. I have not created any prints at this time. That means that once the original piece is purchased. It will show as sold -out. I may produce prints or stickers in the future but for now there are only singlular pieces for purchase. And because they are painted by a human in the USA. They will not be perfect. There maybe paint on the back from handling during the process. They will be exactly as they were meant to be.